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 About the event

2023 Volcano Observatories Best Practices Workshop (VOBP5) Pucón, Chile

Observatories need to discuss how best to keep themselves organized, interact with their stakeholder agencies, and keep the public aware of the latest information. This requires a complex system of internal and external communications products. Moreover, how can observatories provide long-term records of their communications in an environment where social media demands rapid, frequent, and minimalistic products? In VOBP5, we intend to invite observatory and non-observatory experts in communications, outreach, social media, logistics, and social science. Participants will share their expertise via posters, talks, panels, and breakout sessions.

VOBP is part of the World Organization of Volcano Observatories (WOVO) within IAVCEI.

Location overview

Location: Pucón, 800 km south of Chile’s capital Santiago, is in the heart of the country’s Lake District. The city sits near Villarrica Volcano, the most active volcano of the Southern Andes. We plan a one-day fieldtrip to the Southern Andes Volcano Observatory (OVDAS) and the Kütralkura UNESCO Global Geopark, which hosts 6 active volcanoes, 108 geosites and an indigenous community that has inhabited this territory for at least 2000 years.

Hosts: SERNAGEOMIN and Universidad de la Frontera.

Campus Pucón: Caupolicán 78, Pucón, Chile.

Dates: November 12–18, 2023.

Pucón, Chile
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    Please, complete the following information for your registration.

      The registration fee will cover lunch and some coffee breaks during the workshop. It is $ 200 USD per person.

      Important: the payment receipt must be sent by email to the account